Friday, August 21, 2020

Pink Flowers Yellow Starred

maybe you will say pink flowers starred yellow in the grass

are so small a thing that there are too many poems about flowers already

and what is the point but they were my pink flowers when I was little

and I loved them

and when I remember them I also remember the sidewalk leading up to our brick house they bordered

and I remembered them later when I thought about that poem from Tennyson

my mother loved about the flower in the crannied wall

and these things are linked in my mind and heart even as I fade slowly from earth myself

and remember my Grandmother's inscription in my ivory Bible with the gold edged pages

where in her fine penmanship my Grandmother wrote to me in the house with the little pink flowers

"The grass withers, the flower fades. But the Word of our God shall stand forever."

mary angela douglas 21 august 2020

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