Wednesday, September 09, 2020

I Dreamed Perpetual Kingdoms

I dreamed perpetual kingdoms
that were not fazed by the waves
or could not vanish submerging their cathedrals

as in Debussy

or waver in the sunlight for a moment
so that we asked, what was that? was it there.
a rainbow brilliance so suddenly dispersed,

I dreamed perpetual kingdoms in the worst of times too

and a winding stair
and I could go there breaking off  with my hands
green leaves that would never depart.

and this was the place I rested at noontime
by the hidden streams that curled under a day lit crescent
moon of blue ivory

when the sky shepherd was bringing
the small lambs home

the ones that changed colours
the ones I thought of,
as my own.

mary angela douglas 9 september 2020

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