Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Hole in The Clouds Espied

I dont know when I started getting seasick at the mention of the word professional

I think it was a long time ago and I still dont walk right

I want to look out at the trees and the sky the clouds

how unprofessional the clouds are they never stay where you put them

how will they survive

but they do

the trees and the shivering leaves in brisk October winds

they have spent everything to leave on the earth

their ruby colors their ochre their disappearing lemon splendors

how wasteful they are 

perhaps they should cut corners

go to seminars seek help.

ah professional world how I wish you had never been born

turning the children of the stars into bean counters

where will it all end

will you creak into Heaven

and need to be oiled

please stop leaving me messages everywhere

im going to go live in the clouds with my homemade ladder my harp

where you'll have to stop sending me invoices

whaere tbe sky is pink for no reason.

mary angela douglas 23 september 2020

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