Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The World Ever Kind

(to my sister with fond memories)
upon the paper doll winsome stage
we reconfigured the fairy tale Age
and dropped a faint coin down the wishing well
that in the retelling was golden golden
the king commanded no spinning wheels
but the rose hedge grew with its thorny briars
and we made of time a silver liar
that a dream could last one hundred years
and on that stage belied the fears
that one day we would go away
and never return through the garden gate
but find our coins unaccepted there
in the world beyond so full of care.
how may we forget the treasured hours
we had such a kingdom
and such high towers
and took turns being the Queen of the flowers
we played the roles to our hearts' content
and summoned the fairies
and would never relent
dressed in the pink or in the blue
still seeing the happy endings through
back then when we played in or out of school
oh could I find the swan boat still
or live again on the glass glass hills
the amber apples we would find
the sun and the moon and the world ever kind.
mary angela douglas 31 december 2020
Mary Angela Douglas

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