Sunday, January 17, 2021

Watching The Old Movies In Your Mind

the characters seem familiar

set in an ancient light

their manners are formal

hidden, their delight

the memory is stirred

like silt when the river floods

it is the river it was the river

of all the childhood loves you packed away

on many and many a moving day

the characters shift; the scenery foams

the kaleidoscope alters on its own

when you no longer

can write a letter home

home, cast in an ancient light

has formal manners now

and has become the high sign of Art

a garden you water of the departed

archetypes of the heart

the characters young or old

once vivid in their presence

who have let go of earth for quite some time now

with ever and anon that semiprecious gleam

to take up a wavering residence

in your dream

mary angela douglas 17 january 2021

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