Monday, February 22, 2021

The Rose And the Laurel Too

(*On hearing an old recording by the great actor Christopher Plummer, only a few

days after his death...)

"Take the rose and the laurel too;you take it all"

he spoke the words of Shakespeare or was it Rostand as if he had invented them all

on the air just then in the old recording I listened to and then

his voice faded to below a cipher of sound beckoning beauty elsewhere  I could have sworn it

was his ghost there murmuring before it could even have been possible to trace

the failing register of it on the winter wind

take the living air I think he may have felt when it was real

reduce the quiver to naught the target to less than naught

let the heart keep silence as though it were the center of silver Space

though time erase the words these words upon my breath

some may remember the longing in them clarified, and wrought almost of stars

whatever I knew of love or rage

long after their effect was laid to rest upon the echoing stage.

mary angela douglas 22 february 2021

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