Sunday, March 21, 2021


they edited the miracles out of the stories

so that the snows of April appeared to the children
only like blank spaces on the canvas between the blurred the moss green trees
so that the pinpoint illumination of a fervent gold in the winter sunlight
had causes on causes and from the sunny painting they
erased the obvious presence of the Sun itself
though I told them how likely was His nativity
given all circumstances were it not for the secret affinities
that they had spiked the finer details which shed more light, true light
upon the subject as my Grandfather would have said
understanding as he did the pristine moment called out from
the longing of the ages;the intrepid rose at twilight in the worst of it
the skies still blooming above the torpedos though we could not see them =but only through a tremulous Christmas faith=
blooming and blooming with invincible stars.

mary angela douglas 21 march 2021

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