Thursday, April 22, 2021

If I Throw My Heart

if I throw my heart over the stone cold wall of the world
can I say I am a message in the bottle shatter the bottle
or the ship in the bottle set free upon a real sea
I have broken the glass with my own fraught soul
raising one frail voice but a little in such a narrow channel yet-
one sparkle of truth outnumbers the circus verbosity of those
who spin the plates that they may rule and count the rest of us fools
the fool scripture well says believes in his heart that there is no God
the message will survive I am speaking tonight, of all the poets
who withstood all the lies who were not used in any complicit way
how beautiful their lines encoded with hidden moonlight in such a dark time lay in infinite peril of disappearing
so that if you in a future time should read them merely glance upon a line
you will know what is meant by the ambivalence of your Age
and what a forged signature it all is.
and through the after mirage of their words
learn the trick of outwitting it all
that they in their hunted luminosity
will not have haunted this stage for nothing.
mary angela douglas 22 april 2021
Mary Angela Douglas


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