Friday, July 23, 2021

Alice in the Microcosmos

becoming smaller isn't so hard to do thought Alice,suddenly

dressed in a larger blue than she was accustomed to]: and shrinking

I've been practicing really quite a 

long time

living among the rosebuds finding the mossy entrance that's mine

keeping the dewdrops company.

strange in the world though to inhabit an acorn

and to want nothing more than that the squirrel that

buried it here last spring will not be remembering it

but everyone large or small has woes to deal with

and it is so easy for me to steal away making no sound

to use one ray from the moon and to keep tidy

this infinitessimal spot of ground

and under the frond of one leaf when the storms come through

to tell myself in a very little most miniscule while

this will all be a peridot glowing from so far away when

seen from the whirlwind lifting me to the skies.

mary angela douglas 23 july 2021

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