Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Considering The Lilies

consider the liles but they do not

rather, they trample them instead

in the name of progress, evolution,

change whatever name that can be

manufactured as the current currency, serious game

of let me in the door Im important too

to the general populations, the rest of the folk

I am superior to let's organize you or get you off

the taxpayer's back

that's another thIng they do

the trampling of names the individual imprint

gone are all fingerprints

the individual utterance so that they look

askance at you that you even have any personal things left to declare

at the borders

government issue all of it or vigilantes on a spree

 we with Orwellian swiftness

shall compel thee  to admit

to which populations are you tethered

and that you have nothing that's your own not even

your own regrets your own bellwether

and there are no saints. no individual consciencea

just group blanks to fill in so we can get you a case file

and you can be registered as a client after awhile

while we lecture you on why we think you are so irresponsible

since being poor is a crime you must pay and pay for

and yet I stop and I do consider

despite them all, despite the writing on the wall

or above the cameras: we are watching you all

the lilies are still spinning light

and getting away with it.

in plain sight.

There must be a God.

mary angela douglasa 20 july 2021

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