Friday, January 28, 2022

Language Lessons

at first you don't notice the barriers to the language
the spikey little fences painted rose and green appear
cheerful from the distance and at the speed you are traveling
it feels like a holiday on the rickety train
as the expression goes, (fresh butter and rolls?)
better wouldn't melt in their mouths
the little houses are so cunning, just your size
and the marigolds made to order
you're just happy there are words at all
you're so sure of a welcome into fairy land
well, come in, just over the border.
lesson one, you stranger in a stranger land:
no one looks at the sky the way you do
try to explain the blue the way you feel it to be
that hue half blended with pearl and mystery
in a clear voice with no clouds
you'll see what is meant
by books that are lent not given
by the heart when it is riven.
you still won't notice the artful smiles
that shred your soul after all those miles
those late nights up studying. under a copper moon;
after so much earnestness...
though you're greeted with boxed candy and orange lilies
great bowls of tea with inordinate sugar
something is amiss; you feel it like this:
excusing yourself from the hostess and host
despite the folkloric shawl you're wrapped in;
turning all the meanings inside out
only to find the same insults after all.
mary angela douglas 28 january 2022

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