Thursday, January 20, 2022

To The Post Modern Poets That They Turn Again, Back

Turn again, Whittington, Thrice Lord Mayor of London...

-from an Old English fairy tale: Dick Whittington And His Cat

how could you make of this language a desert track

and spurn the illumination of a distant age

I weep slow tears upon the page

knowing for certain rich gardens once blossomed there

now all is arid and spare

twigged is the landscape absent of birds 

and men have banished the golden words

the words the honeyed worlds had spun

remember Shakespeare, Keats and Donne

what have you done  o lachrimae pavane!

their words had dazzled the sun

and blinded prose

or Yeats had plucked his beleaguered Rose

out of the dire web of a faithless. degenerate Time

and given a voice to dreaming again

and called the ancient musical winds 

back to their Source

that you have forfeited for dubious hire

without a single shot being fired.

mary angela douglas 20 january 2022

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