Tuesday, July 12, 2022



you don't know what to say

and so you crease the wind

or float upon the moment like a mute swan

or gather the light into your consciousness

as though you were the bride of the sun

and tomorrow is the darkest day of winter.

you don't know what to say

and so you let questions go stranded

gipsy like in a turquoise bracleted instant

losing the keys to language in some shimmering nebulae's 

laundry day pocket

you don't know what to say 

in the common fray

how to convey: the angels coming and going

in the clouds that are far away

to the whip smart practical

who want to they say

ferret out so they can put on display

what on earth can make you this way

that they may be over praised for their perspicacity.

mary angela douglas 12 july 2022

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