Tuesday, April 18, 2023



I dreamed that language was a pure sphere shining

like the bright star of Keats like a silver tree

and the root was gold and in our sleep our long affliction

we breathed in Logos and it was Spring; all language

flowering and the Renaissance of all hearts, my heart

and the serpent was gone that gnawed at the root of gold

that strove to poison everything

the serpent was shed from the world from the worlds upon worlds

and each word grew green again and we were so happy

each word was a star like the bright star of Keats and steadfast

and the Glory of God was made manifest

manifest as every poem and richly blessed

we were and the sound of it only

Music, holy and pouring like a stream

after long deserts dreamed.

mary angela douglas 22 october 2021;18 april 2023

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