Friday, May 26, 2023



perhaps on some future blank hearted day

we will give it all up

and let the machines do our weeping for us

wait! what but why wait

already has begun the preeminence

of the marshalling of facts

the absence of singing

the lilac is a fact

it is a flower crooned the child

no longer crooned to,

heart shamed leaves cut back

peripheral data, the lilac

pruned back perfumeless now

under L

for lies, ludicrous, or U, unnecssary being

what is the point of lilacs?

it is flowers whispered the child

sentenced to the corners of classrooms in the postmodern style

wearing the dunce cap of dingy dreamers

for love of the lilac with a note sent home.

do not love. curate instead

but it's a flower

I give you my sprig of lilac

a rap on the head

the lilac child is dead.

cue the machines

weeping and weeping.

mary angela douglas 26 may 2023

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