Saturday, May 20, 2023



the seas forever indigo in the maritime novels,,,

will we be overblown we asked ourselves

in the first chapters, delicate as sea glass

will nations fume and pass

over the wave and spume and drown in the tides of noon

or pirates soar leaving nothing to explore

into the roar of squalls

let it be seen in the captains waterlogged logs

the substance of dreams dissolved or Shelley's poetry;

of treasures keeping company

with weird sea urchins

maps on parchment with the ink sobbing

less and less each day and the seas glassine

as they used to say: all souls on board

counted by miscreant angels.

children, vanished in the sea lanes.

will Melville live

until there is nothing left to forgive

why has everything gone away

why is the world itself a seemingly infinite shipwreck

our hearts as they were then, washed astray;

toll not for me.

mary angela douglas 20 may 2023

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