Friday, July 28, 2023



remembering that world

when world was home

and only those that loved you,

birdsong all day long

familiar flowers

the constant pines, mysterious winds

piano refrains for hours and hours

school lessons better learned in the evenings

simple delights

the cooling rains

the lore of books retained on the living room shelves

painted aqua green

the chicken pies

the ice creamed nooks

the sun's peculiar slanting on the floor

the constellations learned by heart

and all outdoors, persistent prayer, everywhere

and more, more than I can tell you

you can tell yourself, longing for Art

in the years before you squeezed into

no crystal shoe apartment

fitting you. and paid rent

to those who never knew you then.

or now.

yet somehow, you had Bethel found.

or brought with you dreamily,

in invisible luggage.

mary angela douglas 28 july 2023

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