Sunday, July 09, 2023



beautiful, uncompromised and consoling

is the word with no agendas

only illuminating

creasing the shadows with merriment

more to be desired than the honeycomb

as the Good Book says

the true book

with lamentation and joy.

with heavenly messengers at the doorways

the golden fruit ripened in silence

the ark of music

in purple and scarlet

and set with pomegranates with small bells

and dancing

the tamarind winds, the carousel horses prancing

the fragrance of the presence of the Lord.

the word that has no hooks no baits

no hidden traps no its too lates

no ploys, no rash debates

no vain noise of

oh God what shall we do

that does not Flee from You

the green word, the affable

the children's birthday cake word candle.

whom none shall extinguish but the child

full of wishes and cherries.

the chalkboard word illustrated with coloured chalks

up the walks.

that does not wait on ceremony for tea

nor induce to sin nor let the snicker in

the pure word sustaining

as if it were water, or raining

or fresh bread

and the butter dripping

the colour of marigolds.

the word with no shadow of turning

fashioned for no deceit

dear Lord. leafed as a Tree that gives shade

whatever word I use

to set the mosaic of Time

or my inconsequent rhyme

let it be Thine.

and by Thee made.

mary angela douglas 9 july 2023

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