Sunday, August 06, 2023


all the shining clockwork of the day ebbs out
now that they've put an end to minstrelsy
plum shine is speechless in the quaking of it;
you rest in an armchair sleeping;
dreaming of the news from far away
and still no matter what
may hear it gleaming through all the Mays
what else is there but poetry I say
or poetry misfiled, mislaid, waylaid
the orchestra at odds with each other
but I remember every jewel inlaid
and cannot trade it for another.
the trees breathe it out past all but calculation now
but once they were strung like lyres
from bough to bough
when we were their christening
while all I can bring myself to say to you aloud
is how on God's snow dazzling Watch
could they ever think it would be allowed
to kill to quell,
the flowering and the glistening.
mary angela douglas 6 august 2023
All reactions:
Mary Angela Douglas

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