Friday, November 17, 2023



Is the speed of the light the beauty of the light
Or is light more than speed
Is curve less than angle and angle nothing
Is the sorrow of love more than need
Is the light of the speed the question
Then must we bear all things heavily
On earth and be circumscribed by logic only
by the mere measurements as if to say
The measurement holds superior sway
And for this men win prizes hold chairs at institutes valued
over anything that can be felt, as in far dimensions, discerned
dreamed, heralded by the angelic where what is learned
cannot proceed
oh look for life where there is no gravity if you please
it hardly matters to me if
the beauty of the speed or of the light agree
but I love
the light in the heaviness of darkness revealed
where the comfort of the light is singing even weighed down
in measureless flights fairytale ascending to those
counted as insignificant if registering at all there the light
is singing to me with tears streaming down
Into the equations which break apart
And cannot yield what is expected but miraculous
The miraculous enters in then a charged infinity like the art
Of Callas singing vissi d’arte
and how then can I break mere surf on the horizon into particles and waves
but something else
I cannot tell you I cannot describe cried the mermaid in Hans Andersen’s story
not my own glory but something else survives
not washed over by the tides in a sea of blue green negation but
where the light does not bind me
my heart to speed as if to an unfailing metronome, colorless ratio
the pert jeweled nightingale with its predictable inevitable music
or to do anything other
than to be in order to sing in reply to the beauty of the Light
however rudimentary I may be
that God decreed is home
unassailed by scientific precision
home and prisms and sunflowers, wherever shining is needed
the beauty of light the beauty of light the chlorophyll lightning of the trees, light lingering
on the child’s hair , reflected in the mirrors of the lakes
the dew on the grass of the isles once fair, returning
and concert song
surrounding the children with grace
causing the roses to bloom.
Christ, to rise in no disguise
as Very Light risen from death itself.
because Light proves unspokenly after all the sacrifice of Love and indissoluble.
mary angela douglas 17 november 2023
All reactions:
Mary Angela Douglas

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