Sunday, May 26, 2024




Seagulls cannot shatter the glass

Of the wild sand castles

That never will last

And the water recedes

And the wave forms again

And spins its foam in a spendthrift’s wind

Where no one’s there to let me in

When pink sand crumbles again, again;

Then the lift of the wing in a foreign dream

Angel or bird it isn’t clear

Is something I truly don’t want to sing

If the mist that surges is really my tears;

Can set my fleeting soul adrift

Far from the shores I knew before;

Sad angels to ransom sea Christmas pelf

Where the sea glass shines all by itself

Where the seagulls cannot shatter the rains

On the wild sand castles not built to remain

The seagulls rise they pivot and turn

But the shards of memory still can


And the green wave falter.

mary angela douglas 26 may 2024

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