Tuesday, June 18, 2024




dusk falls in sepia tones

as it always does in the vintage photographs

but pierrot is a complex subject, even so,

fragile as a sifting snow

is he laughing or crying;

will you ever know

the pinwheel effusions of

his summer epochs;

his heart that sows white rosebuds.

seen from the distance,

you are sure his smile is real

on closer inspection, what does he really feel;

no daguerreotype will ever reveal.

is it the sun after rain or the other way round

a hopscotch falling to the ground

a lamentation of coloured chalks

or in pastels,

is he feeling very well.

he’s out for a walk in infinity

in the beau geste you remember best

in carnival slippers on the moon’s crest

or quivering on a quaking wire…

the crowd to please his one desire

what was it you aspired to..

a long time ago I played La Polichinelle on the piano


translated into 

I only paint his mauve bright tears

his small smile of redacted fears

his penny bright forays…


perceptive angels, do what you must

guard his tremors, cherish his dust

I cannot find him.

mary angela douglas 1 april 2021;2 april 2021;

23 june 2022;24 august 2022;18 june 2024

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