Friday, July 12, 2024




The air flows mild and imparadising

Through the chinks in the wall of language

I thought was impearled, I thought was upstanding

I thought could be sorted for all occasions

But life is no greeting card no poster on the wall

No attempt to stall the creditors

The air is bright with promise I promise to

Keep this silence secret and cherishing

Remembering how the winter air can break

Off in cruel and silver sunlight where we were once walking

That cannot warm

Oh language like baked bread I would break off a crust of you

And improvise

But still there remain

These pauses in the world wide conversation

We rehearse

In all our dreams

In search of it seems and at a loss

For the wayward translations.

mary angela douglas 12 july 2024


I have coined the title IMPARADISO . Inspired by a friend of mine on twitter, acquaintance really whose words for the weekend included the word imparadise which according to him means "to make supremely happy"

His name is Cian McCarthy. He is @arealmofwonder on twitter and from Ireland and shares truly unique and beautiful obscure poems of famous or not so famous lyrical poets paired with lovely paintings and of course the word origin series. He is himself an aspiring musician, composer and author.

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