Thursday, August 25, 2011


these realities are so unformed
not like the immaculate visions
that once rose before us

when we were commissioned

with the first snowfall of
exquisite words

and the petals of the stars

in your so elaborate sleep-

these realities are so


but we are unremaindered

and will not give our lives
just to be granted an interview.

even minus a "good job"

let the soul flame out from star to star,
not a horse to be installed

but to run through heaven, encrypted.

Pegasus!  My gem-bridled friend light

mint-green is the day
whenever we ride together:

seeding the clouds near the

office park with
Roses of Pure Vermeil,

we are never that professional

when immaculate visions rise before us.

mary angela douglas october 2009

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