your mislaid backstory
when you tried the wrong door
oh that's not it you said
embarrassed in a dream.
that's hardly fair.
in dreams, shouldn't things
go right
to make up for real life?
we argued this.
implausible to be bored
with this subject:
dreams vs. non dreams.
is waking really sleeping
or is it turned inside out
for a good long while
with a view of endless rains.
ah, for all your pains.
but blossoms will come
for you to arrange.
and I remember still
the pennies you picked up from the road
shone more than gold.
I said.
it doesn't matter.
any of it. anymore.
we're still good for
making up stories.
mary angela douglas 18 february 2016
when you tried the wrong door
oh that's not it you said
embarrassed in a dream.
that's hardly fair.
in dreams, shouldn't things
go right
to make up for real life?
we argued this.
implausible to be bored
with this subject:
dreams vs. non dreams.
is waking really sleeping
or is it turned inside out
for a good long while
with a view of endless rains.
ah, for all your pains.
but blossoms will come
for you to arrange.
and I remember still
the pennies you picked up from the road
shone more than gold.
I said.
it doesn't matter.
any of it. anymore.
we're still good for
making up stories.
mary angela douglas 18 february 2016
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