Friday, January 19, 2018

Singular;Test Pattern;Prism Breaking Apart

you'ew not the one that's missing in the photographs
with a far away look
half in clouds almost not on the ground

they think this is illegal and so you desist
it's just how it feels to be around yet
to register somewhere else

at all the birthday parties
where you find
what isn't even lost yet

in the spectrum
they only see part of
while you see the violet sunrise

and the ultraviolet
and try to explain what you mean
in the car, on the way back

twice repeating, the tangerine and
two Springs together
back to back

an impossibility of Aprils
and the green dotted with little flowers
where you say to yourself

to fix it in your mind
this is the meadow
the field

the singular tree
and the fairy ring
in the picture book

there, where Joan's visions
suddenly her
to her, and not the others.

mary angela dougla 19 january 2018