Friday, August 10, 2018

The Customary Custard In The Steam Filled Cafeterias

the customary custom of the customary custard
we endorsed, though we were never asked to
in the school cafeteria and it's comforting at best

oh custard of the blessed
to take it like the rest
and place it on the tray

when you're haveing a nervous day
in the cafeteria play like you're home
where custard comes out in little crystal cups

or bakeware enamel not on

brown or yellow plastic trays with compartments.
and with little silver spoons not these utilitarian
utensils.that STILL smell like hot water and soap

and soup tureen steam.

but the custard understands you dream by dream
you're in a foreign land where no one understands
you need to be reminded

home is still home
so you won't feel so alone
when the hour closes down

and once agin you're pencil bound
pop quiz prone
the memory of the custard

gives you strength
to just hold on
until the buses come.

mary angela douglas 10 august 2018