Friday, October 05, 2018

The Fairy Tale Not In the Corrected Editions

(in allusive reverence for Charles Dickens Fairy Tale "The Magic Fishbone"as concerning Present Time)

ah, my bent fairy tale
who will straighten your spine
correct your magic fishbone now
dare I wonder aloud in the milk white wood
in the season of misunderstood
this harvest of weeping pearl
half murmured to no crowd at all.
yet to the singular heart, a Throne
that's recognized.
be good then and don't.
that was the quote from the godmother dressed
in peach and pale silver far from the
census of what is allowed.
I will bury your treasure
in deep snow, forgoing all roses
forgetting all else I know
standing guard in white velvet.
that the children may not wander alone
without a single glimmer
vacant flowers in their eyes.
what is bending for sighed Light but for
jewel like refraction (as in rainbows)
wishes don't grow
on the tree of coercion
measuring your shadow's height
on the executioner's wall
ah, ah, my bent fairy tale. No.
not at all.

mary angela douglas 5 october 2018