Saturday, August 17, 2019

I Read Of A Book On The History Of Glass (Final Draft)

I read of a book on the history of glass
in the National Museum of Ireland
and I thought on a cloud drifting day
with the rains not that far away in Carolina,
I thought, all that has passed
my thinking on the destiny of glass
and high Irish song.
yet still from the aeons where I belonged
a faint stirring rises like the wind,
signaling a storm
the kind that clears the air for clear eyed speech
or shatters it all
and angels beseeching
the beautiful, the faltering airs behold them fallen where
I could not reach
and all was lost from each to each
in a thuderclap morning.
what matters now in the aftermirage
green island and fair where I never was yet wanted to be
I never went to the National Museum of Ireland.
but something in me seems a part of that
and I feel that this is so through the little else I know
through the door that has no key
they will come back to me, in the rounding of the hour
the wounds that have staying power-
and become the sea.
mary angela douglas 17 august 2019

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