Saturday, August 17, 2019

Why I Believe In Independent Learning

we learned the things we didnt feel
and watched them run from reel to reel
and this is what they called free education

to sit in rows precise and neat
to be condemned for being sweet, quiet
introverted though Carl Jung meant it as a complementary state

or for anything else they can magnify, berate with a shrug or sigh
a roll of the eyes toward the popular kids
to take just a sliver from out of your pie

they hate your precocity

so they label you a monstrosity

for you on their
microscopic slide have got to be identified
so that you can be controlled. restrained

from traveling in the realms of gold
all, all on your own

ahead of the others.
they call this grading on the curve
and you're in trouble for using "big words"

as they watch your every move, observe
you meticulously in order to

say or to infer in 25 words or less
behind the hush hush doors where you're no guest
that you're disturbed

because really, what else can they do with you

who daydream about the universe instead of the pep squad,

when you're so small as to be absurd
and living without the lesson plans at all.

mary angela douglas 17 august 2019

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