Wednesday, August 14, 2019


should we call You by your weeping name
when so much of beauty remains you left for us
on the day that we left Eden.

shall we be Rumplestiltskins, asking it again,
your weeping name, demanding our small toys back.
Ah, Christ, the vagrant hopes grow dim

above the stealing, the conniving worlds;
when wretched men are used to balance budgets,
then, true wretchedness begins.

there is no end of that accounting

no matter how many borders are crossed
or crossed out and sealed. sealing us in.
I see your cross and you on it lifted high above

the spheres and the earth truly a matte and manic flatness
too dull now without you here to gloriously intervene
now that speaking in stars is done.

arise and come you said to us
so many things blessed, blessed are the poor,
for everything,

for what they endure; for the kicking down

the perennial stairs, the wicked and the fleeting glares
I need as flowers do the Sun
your Weeping Name. for oh in sunshine or in rain

through all of Eden that remains.

I have lost my own.

mary angela douglas 14 august 2019

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