Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Linger For A While Yet In the Ghost Blue Dawn

to my Grandfather, Milton B. Young

they lived until the cup ran dry
as it to the lees, I think it was said
and my grandfather showed us the Big Dipper

does it dip out the everlasting waters
for all the sons and daughters
I wish I could have asked him then

when he put out his pail after supper for the meteors,
meteor showers he said would come.

I dont know about that.
but they should have.
he loved the stars

the idea of them.
and lost Orion best
so, I did too;

so many years later
walking down the service road to the bus
and in the bright darkness

I saw angels by the hydrants
the ghost of his face, his smile.

mary angela douglas 3 september 2019

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