Friday, November 01, 2019

Existing This Way

it doesn't exist this way in the world
I said to You last evening
the way you think it would be

the way I have always thought it was.
and maybe You, before me. surely.
You who Are love purely

Love I mean.
why can't it just be shining.
sitting still. chiming.

thinking of what you will do
when you grow wings. remembering everything.
it seems to have become a turmoil.

why not let it be flowers. 
or being alone for hours.
the way a star seems.

why cant I be
only this. well, You smile, well, you are
like a lily dreaming Easter dreams

a country stream.

it feels this way to me.
it always has.
just to be glad

to even be here on an earth with stars up there.
is more than enough for me to care about.

waking to see the shade of leaves.
only needing, these.

not grabbing life.
tying it up with strings to say
this or that one is mine.

I want to be birdsong.

to be clear like quartz.
the moon ;yellow as cream.
I know that I am.what I dream.

the glaze on snow.

why doesnt anyone know 
it could be only the whisper of new grass rising.
simple and surmising.

kind of surprising no wanting to win.
only like a measure of music, wanting to begin.

mary angela douglas 17 november 2019

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