Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year's Eve/Day Toast, An Emerald One

well it's click, click, click of the ruby heels
Good Glinda in a froth of pink
the wand waved over all your worries

that's what I think.
it's seeing spots before your eyes
like emerald sequins

when the curtains come down
it's like saying goodbye
when you don't want to

goodbye. and you don't know how.

here's to Kansas or the way home.
the balloon adrift and the oh no
then you wake yourself up from the lucid dream.

here's to all the beauty you've ever seen
all the friends in a  lovely disguise.

won't they be surprised to see you
again, when the curtains rise

when the dear earth chimes
or your part of it.

mary angela douglas 31 december 2019

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