Sunday, July 26, 2020

Anyone Writing Now In The World (A Letter Across Time)

anyone writing now in the world

famous or not I want to say to you

please dont let them reduce your work to one required theme

you know what I mean or

to any theme at all. its your bread.

you have the right to butter it the way you want.

to put jam on it or not.

to drip the honey of time on it deep amber drop by drop.

dont let them quell you.cast a spell on you so that you are down

to one word only and chirp woodenly like a broken bird

politics politics politics

what do we need with a trillion more books on one harping theme

commanded as if by unappoinited infantry.

we dont live in politics.

we live in our souls.

in kingdoms within.

in our imaginations.

escaping to other realms

when the world is harsh.

it has always been this way

until the new lawgivers came

their mouths permanently grim

and reduced us all to the same drab pattern.

approved by Them.

resist this.

write in gold. in the sky with blue streamers.

penning the secret lives of trees.

mary angela douglas 26 july 2020

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