Tuesday, July 28, 2020

These Are The American Sonatas

"these are the american sonatas"
I heard in a dream, in a voice stentorian.
and a sky of glass shattered

shattered an april wind.
and beauty was slaughtered all over again
let the player piano roll

be broken down to a code
where all the parties we used to have
to celebrate small joys have foundered.

and are under investigation.

where is the music for this I asked my God
that inner visions have been hijacked.
that all speech has become slogans.

weep o muse of America
weep oh falling glass and the splintered birds
alas you pioneering angels

you saints of the rough terrain
surely there may  be a mountain pass
as yet undiscovered

where we can recover

the dream of who we are the covenant
and sift the gold dust anew
and find the trail

with You.
oh God my God.
far from the spoilers.

mary angela douglas 28 july 2020

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