Friday, July 31, 2020

Even In Words Of Pure Silver

I couldnt explain to myself even in words of pure silver 
their reasons for tilting at ghosts for dredging up lost armies
propping them up in this humidity

and playing war games all over again as  if it were marbles
and this in a time of plague. but hey. haul away.
I couldnt explain to myself with even time honored phrases

the need to refire the past to load the kilns for one more final glaze
on a former  blur of days tragedy bound and the taciturn sweethearts
the ghoulish parades brought back by popular demand

for one more execution.burial in a mass grave
and no permit for memorials. no quarter given
but every quarter taken.
we have come to an age that is bored with itself
that wants to pick fights with the long deceased

that has no imagination left so let's create a new regret
let's play forfeit or chance or scrabble with names and places.
let's dig up the old tubers time forgot

and make potato salad to serve at the ultimate picnic of smug
and then we'll be the founders ourselves.
let's crucify these tears of stone.oh Absalom, Absalom!

and place ourselves upon the Throne.
of Judgement for all those under the sod

oh lets oh lets be God.

mary angela douglas 1 august 2020

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