Sunday, August 02, 2020

oh skylark word in a prison of bones contained

we have the names of things still
but not their former meanings
we have mispent words the words of miscreants

we have counterfeits and nt the gold largesse
of words so beautifully careless flung over the stars
pauses in between where we can revive
in the kingdoms of previous poetry

when words were still alive and we read them
honey dripping down the day candle wax down
mysterious green bottles

skylark blue and winging
what have we come to.
codes. hand gestures for

get me out of here 
i am a prisoner. they have laid down my soul
and pitched pennies over it and ground in the dust

till I am rust and a rusty gate with no hinge.
poetry with a hand held sign

in the back of a speeding junk heap.
tell me why what was silver is now dross
what was blooming is now withered

why the word that fell from your lips like pearl
has turned to sludge.

mary angela douglas 2 august 2020

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