Thursday, May 27, 2021

Looking At The Picture Of Flowers That Grow In The Himalayas

(to the poet Kalidasa)

dear far cousins of the field flowers I love from my childhood

in Arkansas I look at you and think what a miracle that I can


you even in this way without the breeze that flows for you out

of high clouds

without knowing the winters from which you emerged

still from your colours your not at all familiar petals

I feel to my fingertips longing to treasure you in bouquets

of farflung song how

mysteriously you are linked to the wild rose, the

Queen Anne's lace, the blue gentian or beloved blue violets

and if my meadowlarks rose and were able to sing to you

where you are tranquil in a transposed Spring not all that foreign

to them

I know they would be happy there with you

on the other side of Heaven on earth

if you think of the flower fields as a single continent bridged

across both spheres of the mapped and mapless earth

(the one of dreams within dreams)

where different birds too serenade you in colours I've never known

and are happy that they do.

mary angela douglas 27 may 2021;28 may 2021

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