Wednesday, July 28, 2021

We Thought We Ruled The Country Of Clouds


we thought we ruled the country of clouds
when we were children dreaming aloud
in soft voices like clouds too
our singing voices in the sky blue room
our bubble blown laughter in the yard

and larkspur sparred
and the clouds were happy with such
unsovereign sovereigns and bloomed
in many colours like Joseph's coat
favored by God favoring us in our sunset
and in the dawn when we turned in our sleep
to dream the dream of waking up
where it is Christmas and summer at the very same time
ah, we were free
and fair to bequeath this drifting
that cannot cannot abide
though in bridal veils festooned in the dimming rains
but only loved and adorned with garlands
in the aftermirage
of their floating, floating marginally away
leaving everything !we cried in the doorways
in pink and blue dismay
though angels warned us, on the winds
this lacework cannot stay.
mary angela douglas 28 july 2021
Mary Angela Douglas

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