Wednesday, January 25, 2023


forgive me if it is a crime

that I have seen the world through a thousand

garnet filters, or of amethyst

through the mists of reading fairy tales down to their golden dregs

and have not so much believed

words to the contrary coming from the papers

but I believe in the world as it was intended

from the first poem striking the angels ears of God's own 

pearl couched declaration of

Let There Be Light

and I cannot conceive or dream of any better way to live

than to keep those colours fresh, renewed

no matter what the world can do

as it is reported to be.

Hail mysteries of the better sort

let history take a short walk on the pier of seeming doom

I know the Alpha and Omega is always in the room

even when there are no witnesses

especially down to the final execution without sentencing

the immortal world the world beyond time still gleams, will gleam

will come again.

mary angela douglas 25 january 2023

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