Monday, March 27, 2023


I've been trying to understand for a long time

why we should ever leave home

the first home, I mean

the one where we learned the specific names

of flowers, stars, the undergrowth

the beautiful alphabets, the secret of tears.

sure, there are some, or many

forced out

by war, by flood, by fire or starvation

also by intimidation. loss of all jobs,

by other aspirations

years later you find out

as in the Wizard of Oz

home was already your aspiration

nor was it clear to you

once leaving really

there is no going back

never in the same river twice

the ancient philosopher said

or brook to dip your toes again

the river has moved on

except in certain dreams at times

the peculiar light you remember

is seen shyly on the rose bushes of

yesteryear, intensified.

the little gate swinging

pushed open by mistake,

fate, or the wind.

mary angela douglas 27 march 2023

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