Tuesday, March 28, 2023



goodbye to cynicism in the end;beauty and truth

will return to you again, oh darlings

but now:

you give short shrift to the swan decked page,

no quarter at all

to the glittering once upons

and sell your souls for political rage

turning Comfort that would comfort you, away;

I cannot love you postmodern age

yet can I weep because your sleep seems to me

all things considered so dreamless.

classical music bores you

that shook the stars

and if you plot out Space

you worship the trajectory

the machines that got you there

and not the God who placed in Space

the floating mysteries of so many torches

to light, tenderly, your oblivious way.

what have you got to say for yourselves

for decimating the majesty of poetry

and turning it into one long diatribe

or ceaseless praise of trivialities dully, duly noted

or insolence

when truly the glory of the earth is yours.

your teachers betrayed you

teaching you to look on the darker side.

moonlight seems wasted on you

birdsong at morning.

how much more could you disdain

the beaded curtains of the rain.

God save you from the paradise you'll make,

have made before

relegating beauty to a foreign post, and shoreless-

breaking the heart of the Holy Ghost, your own,

Shekinah! the glory of God.

mary angela douglas 15 december 2021;29 january 2022;28 march 2028

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