Saturday, October 21, 2023



This is in praise of the immortal poets

Who wrote about flowers who wrote about flowers

The way I would like to needlepoint if I could

As Im sure my great grandmother did, pansies, white

Violets, little remembrances with no stitch dropped

But I am no needlewoman.

Let me gather  them up all the English wildflowers

The American ones. Thank you Lord Tennyson for the

Flower in the crannied wall reminding me to be of good cheer

And grow even in the crevices brightly and Blake holding the flower

In his palm like infinity, Emerson with his Rhodora, and Blake again

With his sunflower, all of you I praise and I think of the kindness you

Showed to such humble subjects as those and you embroidered also

the fringed gentian, William Cullen,  the wild honeysuckle, Phillip Freneau and I remember the music of

MacDowell too

to a wild rose

The simple melody how it flowed over me hearing it played on the piano

By gifted students of music in my Grandmother’s piano studio

And I wish to be sung to like a child again by the flower poems to be among them

That way, their cheering colors and fragrances lifted up in the words of great men

Who were not ashamed of beauty even of a fairy like brevity

Keats most of all with his musk roses

Who bent down and praised as Shakespeare did rosemary, forget me nots

the crown That Ophelia wore when dreaming became too much transported by grief and love

In the glassy stream to our rue.

mary angela douglas 22 october 2023

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