Thursday, January 11, 2018

Oh Wishing Fairy, Mon Confrere!

what you really wanted was a marionette theater
replete with gold fixtures and dark purple curtains
at least made of velour

a fairy tale theatre and it could be paste board
if it wanted to be
or something extraordinarily

Other than. with real clouds
a sense of the je ne sais quois
always wanted to say that in a poem.

and now that's done,
the dolls would do handstands when it arrived
wrapped in pink foil and pale green ribbons

at Eastertide. (the Box, not the dolls)
said my referent mind

and we would be the flower girls
for the endless paper weddings
of Pierrot and Columbine

we would officiate
ourselves dressed in lace
in flower filled rooms

with chandeliers...
is that all my dear,
asked the Good Fairy

truly wanting to go
so we sat down to think
knowing wishing on the brink

is error prone.
we'll let you know...

mary angela douglas 11 january 2018