Monday, February 13, 2023


mendelssohn dreams of the cloudless blue

at twilight, the Fairy Queen's entrances

tangled with silver in the woods

impetuous it is understood

the glittering panoply from the start

far from the servitude of the world

mendelssohn dreams of the clouded nights

the Fairy King's stations of the cross

all to whom the truth is lost

beyond the dream mirror

on the other side

I am a child with a bride like doll

always arriving when the curtains part

full of the fairydust of the heart

or when the light parts from the dark

in the music, always crying.

mendelssohn dreams of the players awake

the strange engarlanded, the childish mistakes

the starcrossed, the starcrossed always make

the dreamers awake and midsummer too

reality fades when the music's through

and this is the way I always feel

that only the dream, the dream, is real.

mary angela douglas 14 february 2023

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